5 Value Strategies For Asset Allocation
The average investor makes decisions that cause them to underperform average investment returns. The difference between average investment returns and average investor returns is often called the behavior gap.
The following value strategies will provide a framework for making your asset allocation investment decisions and avoiding many of the mistakes that create the behavior gap.
Market Timing for Value Investors
...Deflation and Investing – Six Indicators to Watch
The high level of debt in our society and the falling velocity of money should cause investors to consider deflation and investing policies.
...Father of Value Investing – Benjamin Graham
When someone says “The Father of Value Investing” most value investors know immediately they are talking about Benjamin Graham (1894 – 1976). Graham developed the concept of fundamental security analysis, and introduced value investing strategies that are still guiding successful investors today.
...Earnings Yield as an Investment Value Tool
Earnings yield is the annual earnings of a stock, individual company, or market index compared to its price. In other words it is earnings divided by price. It is expressed as a percentage of the investment value and is the reciprocal of the price/earnings (P/E) ratio.